Cloudflare vs Fastly Performance 2024: A Detailed Guide

In this guide, we’ll compare Cloudflare vs Fastly, two popular content delivery networks (CDNs) and speed optimization providers. We’ll cover ten key factors and address seven common questions that DevOps engineers may have when selecting between these platforms.

Cloudflare vs Fastly Considerations


Both Cloudflare and Fastly are known for their excellent performance in content delivery and speed optimization. Fastly is distinguished for its faster cache purge times and lower latency, while Cloudflare has an extensive network and superior DDoS protection.

Network Size

Cloudflare comes with a vast global network consisting of over 310 data centers located in more than 120+ countries, with a global capacity of 248 Tbps.

Cloudflare Vs Fastly : Adnivate
Cloudflare Data Centers as of March 2024

In comparison, Fastly provides around 60 data centers across 24 countries, and a global capacity of 313 Tbps. This indicates that Cloudflare can offer more extensive coverage and potentially quicker content delivery in remote locations.


Both Cloudflare and Fastly offer different pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets. Fastly has a pay-as-you-go model that can be more affordable for small businesses or those with fluctuating traffic. Cloudflare provides a free plan with basic features, along with paid plans that offer more advanced features.

Ease of Use

Cloudflare is considered more user-friendly compared to Fastly. It has an easy-to-use dashboard and simple settings that are easy to understand. On the other hand, Fastly, while powerful, may require more effort to learn due to its complex configuration options.

Security Features

Cloudflare and Fastly both offer powerful security features such as DDoS protection, SSL encryption, and web application firewalls. Nevertheless, many experts believe that Cloudflare has a stronger security offering, especially when it comes to DDoS protection.

Customer Support

Both Fastly and Cloudflare provide customer support through multiple channels including email, phone, and live chat. Fastly has a reputation for having a highly knowledgeable and responsive support team, while Cloudflare is often lauded for its comprehensive documentation and community resources.

Custom Configuration

Fastly provides users with a wide range of customizable configuration options, allowing them to adjust their CDN settings to meet their specific requirements. This feature can be especially beneficial for larger companies or those with more complex needs.

Cloudflare, on the other hand, offers a good range of configuration options, but it may not be as flexible as Fastly in this regard.

API and Integration

Fastly and Cloudflare offer extensive APIs for seamless integration with other services and tools. Fastly’s API is highly granular and flexible, while Cloudflare’s API is praised for its ease of use and comprehensive documentation.

Edge Computing

Fastly has an advanced edge computing platform, Fastly Compute, which provides developers with the capability to run serverless applications at the edge of their network. This cutting-edge technology improves performance and reduces the latency for specific use cases.

Cloudflare also offers a similar solution called Cloudflare Workers, which allows developers to deploy serverless applications on Cloudflare’s global network.

Additional Services

Fastly and Cloudflare are both Content Delivery Network (CDN) providers that offer a range of additional services to their core offerings of CDN and speed optimization. Apart from their CDN and speed optimization services, Fastly provides image optimization, video streaming, and log streaming services.

Cloudflare, on the other hand, offers additional products like Argo Smart Routing, Cloudflare Zero Trust, and Cloudflare Stream.


To sum up, Fastly and Cloudflare are both robust CDN and web optimization platforms, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

The decision to choose one over the other will primarily depend on your specific needs, budget, and technical requirements. It is important to thoroughly assess the features, performance, and support provided by both platforms to determine which one suits your business the best.

Are you looking to integrate Cloudflare, Fastly, or a custom CDN for your website? Contact Adnivate and our CDN migration experts will handle the process.

Cloudflare vs Fastly FAQs

  1. Which CDN is faster?

    While both Fastly and Cloudflare provide excellent performance, Fastly is known for faster cache purge times and lower latency, while Cloudflare’s extensive network may offer faster content delivery in certain locations.

  2. Which CDN is more secure?

    Cloudflare is often considered to have stronger security features, especially in terms of DDoS mitigation, when compared to Fastly.

  3. Is Cloudflare cheaper than Fastly?

    Fastly’s pay-as-you-go pricing model can be a cost-effective solution for small businesses or those with variable traffic. On the other hand, Cloudflare offers a free plan with basic features and also provides paid plans with more advanced features. The most cost-effective option depends on your specific requirements and budget.

  4. Which is easier to use?

    Cloudflare is considered more user-friendly with an intuitive dashboard and easy-to-understand settings. Fastly, on the other hand, may have a steeper learning curve for some users due to its more complex configuration options.

  5. Does Cloudflare or Fastly offer better customer support?

    Both Fastly and Cloudflare provide customer support through multiple channels, including email, phone, and live chat. Fastly is recognized for having a well-informed and prompt support team, whereas Cloudflare’s support is frequently commended for its wide-ranging documentation and community resources.

  6. Is Cloudflare or Fastly better for custom configuration?

    Fastly offers more custom configuration options to fine-tune CDN settings, while Cloudflare provides a good range of configuration options but may not be as flexible as Fastly.

  7. Which company has better API and integration options?

    Fastly and Cloudflare offer APIs for integration with other tools. Fastly’s API is flexible, while Cloudflare’s API is well-documented and easy to use.

  8. Which CDN offers better edge computing solutions?

    Fastly’s edge computing platform, Fastly Compute, and Cloudflare’s edge computing solution, Cloudflare Workers, provide developers with the ability to deploy serverless applications at the edge of their network. The decision to choose between these two solutions will depend on the specific use case and requirements of the developer.

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