Google Business Profile Websites Scheduled for Shutdown in March

Google is set to close down websites crafted through Google Business Profiles this March. Find out what website builders Google recommends as an alternative.


  • Starting March 2024, Google will stop supporting websites built with Google Business Profiles.
  • Until June 10, 2024, these websites will still redirect to your profile.
  • Google recommends exploring alternative website builders like Wix, WordPress, or Shopify.

If you have a website built through Google Business Profiles for your local business, it’s crucial to find an alternative solution before March.

The Deadline

An auto redirect will be established from your Google Business Profile website to your Google Business Profile until June 10, 2024.

“Websites made with Google Business Profiles are basic websites powered by the information on your Business Profile.

In March 2024, websites made with Google Business Profiles will be turned off and customers visiting your site will be redirected to your Business Profile instead.

The redirect will work until June 10, 2024.”

How To Find Out If You Have A Google Business Profile Website

To check if your business has a website created with Google Business Profile, simply search for your business name or “my business” on Google. Once you find your Google Business Profile, edit the profile and look in the contact section for your website information.

If you already have a website created with Google Business Profile, it will indicate, “You have a website created with Google.”

If not, you’ll have the option to add the link to your website.

Google Business Profile Websites : Adnivate
Screenshot From Google, February 2024

Selecting Alternative Website Builders for Small Businesses

Google recommends Wix, Squarespace, GoDaddy, Google Sites, Shopify (for e-commerce), Durable, Weebly, Strikingly, and WordPress as alternative website builders for creating a new website or advertisement landing page to replace the Google Business Profiles site.

While some, like WordPress, offer a free website builder with generative AI features, its users’ content may reportedly be sold to OpenAI and MidJourney as training data unless they opt-out.

In terms of Core Web Vitals, WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace demonstrated the most notable enhancements in performance.

It’s also worth noting that while Google Deepmind used a Google Sites website to introduce Genie, its new AI model, Google Sites may not be best for SEO.

Updating Advertising Campaigns

If your Google Ads campaign directs to a website built with Google Business Profiles, the campaign will cease running on March 1, 2024, until the website link is refreshed.

There’s an opportunity to update your business website to prevent visitors from encountering a 404 error page after June 10, 2024. If you haven’t selected a new website builder or hosting service yet, consider reviewing the options to identify the most dependable, cost-effective, and optimized solution for your business.

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